Where We Are Today

Over the past 3 months, our Five Lights Family has been hard at work both physically and spiritually.

When we say hard at work, we mean daily grinding- schedule keeping- weekly meeting- community living- meal cooking- child raising- endless home repairs- fight for your marriage- knees in the dust- open hands praying WORK. 

    We are meeting with our oversight team monthly, we have our sights set on a particular province to investigate and we are planning for a possible trip there in the fall with some members of our team to build relationships with local pastors in and around that area. God has set the GPS in our hearts to destination: South Africa- and as our wheels have begun to turn, it has stirred up quite a bit of dust. 

   Since coming together as a team and beginning our preparations to move, we have begun to notice that the more united we become as a team and in our focus, the more opposition we begin to face in our daily lives. We have been experiencing many individual hardships in different aspects including physical ailments, problems at work, stress in our homes and tensions in our marriages. We believe all of these things are related and we know they're NOT from God. Each time though, we have united together in prayer. Each time, our prayers have been heard and God has shown up and shown Himself. He has overcome each challenge for us in some awesome ways! Each trial we overcome only serves to strengthen us and bring us all closer together. 

    We know as a team that the work we are preparing for is important both for God's kingdom and for many individual lives. We also know that the more important the work, the more opposition we face from the enemy of our souls. We must put on the full armor of God, join together in prayer, and trust in him to fight our battles. 

Today we ask you to join us in prayer for this mission, this work and these relationships we are building. Many hands sending up many prayers means many victories against spiritual warfare. We need your prayers and we welcome you with open arms to be a part of this family with us. 

 *For more detailed information about the work we are preparing for, as well as our ministry launch budget that we've prepared, please take a look at our Mission Statement and Future Projects pages. If you feel led to contribute financially to our ministry launch, your tax-deductible donation can be made by clicking the Join Us tab in our drop down menu.

 Loving and Serving in His name- 

The Five Lights Family.


Shaun Keefer